Dr. Vicki Bealman: Educational Leader & Full Stack Developer
Passionate educator partnering with industry leaders to develop real-world educational experiences for 21st century learners. Expertise in software development, full stack instruction, and curriculum design.
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Educational Background


Doctor of Education (EdD)
Educational Leadership, Liberty University, 2011-2013


Education Specialist (EdS)
Educational Leadership, Liberty University, 2010-2011


Master of Science (MS)
Mobile Gaming (Software Engineering), Full Sail University, 2019-2020


Master of Science (MS)
Accounting and Computer Science, Liberty University, 2008-2009
Professional Experience Highlights
Software Development Professor
DeVry University, Dec 2022 - Present. Supervising visiting professors, developing curriculum, and supporting ABET certification.
Full Stack Development Instructor
Learning Source, 2022 - 2023. Program Director role focusing on comprehensive web development education.
Curriculum Developer & Full Stack Instructor
DigitalCrafts, 2020 - 2022. Designing and delivering cutting-edge full stack development courses.
Professor/Course Director
Full Sail University, 2018 - 2022. Leading courses in software engineering and game development.
Expertise in Higher Education
Curriculum Development
Extensive experience in designing curricula for diverse institutions including DeVry University, University of Florida, Johns Hopkins University, and more.
Quality Assurance
Quality Matters certified as Master Reviewer, ensuring high standards in online and blended learning.
Proven track record in academic leadership roles, including Faculty Chair and Program Director positions.
Technical Skills
Full-Stack Development
Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies, creating comprehensive web applications.
Artificial Intelligence
Knowledgeable in AI principles and applications, integrating cutting-edge technology into curriculum.
Understanding of cybersecurity principles, essential for modern software development education.
Data Analysis
Skilled in using tools like Microsoft Power BI for data visualization and analysis.


Educational Leadership
Certified by The Florida Department of Education (License 1264144)


Quality Matters
Certified as Master Reviewer, Peer Reviewer, and in Applying the QM Rubric


Web Development
Certifications in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS from W3Schools and LearnToProgram.TV


Oracle AI Foundations
Oracle Certified AI Foundations Associate (Valid Jul 2024 - Jul 2025)
Teaching Philosophy
"What truly drives learning of concepts for real-world application, learner success, and desire for lifelong learning is not mastering theory alone."
Dr. Bealman's approach emphasizes practical, hands-on learning experiences that bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. She believes in creating engaging, industry-relevant curricula that prepare students for the challenges of the modern workforce.
Curriculum Development Expertise


Needs Assessment
Analyzing industry trends and student needs to inform curriculum design.


Content Creation
Developing comprehensive course materials, including lectures, assignments, and projects.


Technology Integration
Incorporating cutting-edge tools and platforms into the learning experience.


Assessment Design
Creating effective evaluation methods to measure student progress and understanding.
Industry Partnerships
Dr. Bealman collaborates with CEOs, executives, and industry specialists to ensure her curricula and teaching methods align with current market demands. These partnerships enable her to create educational experiences that truly prepare students for success in the rapidly evolving tech industry.
Collaborative Planning
Regular meetings with industry leaders to discuss curriculum relevance and emerging trends.
Real-World Projects
Incorporating industry-sponsored projects into coursework for hands-on experience.
Guest Lectures
Bringing industry experts into the classroom to share real-world insights and experiences.
Leadership in Higher Education
Faculty Chair at DeVry University
Supervising visiting professors, evaluating performance, and providing mentoring advice.
ABET Certification Support
Contributing to the accreditation process for engineering and computing programs.
Student Success Initiatives
Working with new, at-risk, and succeeding students to improve outcomes and retention.
Faculty Development
Training faculty in new technologies and teaching modalities to enhance educational quality.
Quality Matters Expertise
As a Quality Matters certified Master Reviewer, Dr. Bealman brings a deep understanding of best practices in online and blended learning to her work. This expertise ensures that her courses and curricula meet the highest standards of educational quality and effectiveness.
Applying the QM Rubric
Utilizing the comprehensive Quality Matters rubric to design and evaluate online courses for maximum effectiveness and student engagement.
Peer Review Process
Participating in and leading peer review processes to maintain and improve the quality of online education across institutions.
Continuous Improvement
Implementing a cycle of continuous improvement in course design and delivery, based on QM principles and feedback.
Full Stack Development Instruction
Front-End Technologies
Teaching HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern frameworks like React or Angular.
Back-End Development
Covering server-side languages, databases, and API development.
DevOps and Deployment
Instructing on version control, CI/CD pipelines, and cloud deployment strategies.
Project-Based Learning
Guiding students through real-world projects to build comprehensive portfolios.
Innovative Teaching Methods
Flipped Classroom
Implementing a flipped classroom model where students engage with lecture content at home and work on practical applications in class.
Incorporating game-like elements into coursework to increase engagement and motivation, drawing on her expertise in mobile gaming.
Peer Learning
Facilitating peer-to-peer learning experiences through group projects and collaborative coding sessions.
Research and Publications
Dr. Bealman's academic contributions include conducting an advanced S.W.O.T. Analysis of local and regional education systems, featured in Liberty University's Doctor of Education program. Her research focuses on the intersection of technology and education, exploring ways to enhance learning outcomes through innovative teaching methods and curriculum design.
S.W.O.T. Analysis in Education
Comprehensive analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in educational systems, providing insights for improvement and strategic planning.
Technology Integration in Higher Education
Research on effective strategies for incorporating emerging technologies into university curricula, with a focus on computer science and software engineering programs.
Online Learning Effectiveness
Studies on the impact of various online teaching methodologies on student engagement, retention, and learning outcomes in technical fields.
Professional Affiliations
Delta Mu Delta
Faculty Adviser for the Business Honor Society, mentoring high-achieving students.
Project Management CAC
Member of the Curriculum Assessment Committee, ensuring program quality.
Educational Technology Association
Active member, contributing to discussions on EdTech innovations.
Member of the Association for Computing Machinery, staying current with CS trends.
Awards and Recognitions


High Distinction, Liberty University
Achieved 4.0 GPA in both EdD and EdS programs, demonstrating academic excellence.


Salutatorian, Full Sail University
Graduated with honors from the Mobile Gaming Master of Science Program in August 2020.


Outstanding Educator Award
Recognized for innovative teaching methods and student engagement at DeVry University.


Curriculum Innovation Prize
Awarded for developing a cutting-edge full stack development curriculum at DigitalCrafts.
Industry Experience


Web Developer/Webmaster
Website-Rx.com, 2011 - 2018. Founding web designer, director, and webmaster.


Bromley & Associates, LLC, 2007 - 2012. Managing finances and operations for the firm.


Director of Accounting and Finance
Beacon International, 1998 - 2007. Overseeing financial operations for the organization.


Enroute Air Traffic Control Specialist
Federal Aviation Administration, 1991 - 1998. Ensuring safe and efficient air traffic flow.
Commitment to Lifelong Learning
Dr. Bealman's diverse educational background and continuous pursuit of new certifications demonstrate her commitment to lifelong learning. This passion not only enhances her own expertise but also inspires her students to embrace a growth mindset and stay current in rapidly evolving fields.
Continuous Education
Regularly pursuing new certifications and courses to stay at the forefront of educational and technological advancements.
Professional Development
Participating in and leading workshops to share knowledge and learn from peers in the education and tech communities.
Knowledge Sharing
Contributing to conferences and publications to disseminate best practices and innovative approaches in education.
Future Vision for Education
Dr. Bealman envisions a future where education seamlessly integrates with industry needs, preparing students not just for today's jobs, but for the careers of tomorrow. She is committed to developing adaptive learning systems that personalize education, leveraging AI and data analytics to enhance the learning experience.
AI-Enhanced Learning
Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence to provide personalized learning paths and real-time feedback to students.
Virtual Reality in Education
Investigating the use of VR technologies to create immersive learning experiences, particularly in software development and engineering fields.
Cross-Disciplinary Integration
Promoting curricula that blend computer science with other disciplines, preparing students for the interdisciplinary nature of future careers.
Global Collaboration
Fostering international partnerships to create a global learning community, exposing students to diverse perspectives and practices.
Contact Dr. Vicki Bealman
For inquiries about curriculum development, full stack instruction, or educational leadership, please reach out to Dr. Bealman:
  • Phone: 3525710432
Dr. Bealman is available for consulting, speaking engagements, and collaborative projects in education and technology.